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ReconRobotics Names Aimee Barmore Director of North American Sales


Aimee Barmore

EDINA, Minn. – JANUARY 6, 2011 – Alan Bignall, President and Chief Executive Officer of ReconRobotics, Inc., announced today that Aimee Barmore has been named Director of North American Sales. She will now oversee all U.S./Canadian sales efforts in federal and law enforcement markets, which together account for more than half of company revenues. Barmore joined ReconRobotics in 2007, and most recently served as the Senior Regional Sales Manager for the Western U.S. Prior to joining ReconRobotics, Barmore was a marketing communications associate for Captovation, Inc.

The company’s line of Recon Scout® Throwbot® devices are used by hundreds of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and military units, worldwide, to gain real-time video reconnaissance of hostile environments. These robots are distinguished from all other military and law enforcement robots by their small size, rugged durability, versatility and ease of use. For example, the recently introduced Recon Scout XT weighs just 1.2 pounds, and yet it can survive throws of 120 feet and easily move across cluttered indoor environments and landscapes of dirt, sand and rocks. The XT can also be deployed in less than five seconds, and is equipped with an automatic infrared optical system that allows it to see in complete darkness. This Know Before You GoTM capability enables law enforcement personnel to gain critical situational awareness about barricaded subjects, weapons, hostages and room layouts before they enter a dangerous environment.

“There’s no better feeling than getting a late-night call from a tactical commander saying ‘your Recon Scout just saved our lives,’” says Barmore. “Our sales team is driven by the knowledge that we are dramatically increasing the safety and efficiency of SWAT operations, and I am thrilled at the prospect of bringing this technology to many more federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.”

About ReconRobotics, Inc.
ReconRobotics is a leader and innovator in ultra-light tactical, micro-robot and UGV systems. Over 5,000 of the company’s Recon Scout® and Throwbot® systems have been deployed by the U.S. military, first responders and international friendly forces, and by more than 900 law enforcement agencies, worldwide. These systems save lives by providing immediate situational awareness and greater standoff distance to warfighters and law enforcement personnel during high-risk operations. ReconRobotics is based in Edina, Minnesota, and markets its products through a distribution network in 35 countries.


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